
On June 24, 2008, Governor Ted Strickland signed into law Ohio House Bill 562. The new law extended Ohio Power Siting Board (OPSB) siting authority to include wind facilities capable of generating between 5 and 50 megawatts of electricity. The Board is also responsible for certificating the siting of all electric generating facilities capable of generating 50 megawatts or more, including wind facilities. Developers who wish to site wind facilities in Ohio that are capable of generating 5 or more megawatts of electricity must first apply for and obtain a certificate of environmental compatibility and public need from the OPSB. Rules for siting wind facilities can be found here.

Windustry Presentation: Community Wind Energy 2006: Community Wind Energy 2006: Home and Farm Wind Turbines – Addressing Barriers – Siting, Permitting, Zoning and Interconnection

The Ottawa County Planning Commission’s Model Wind Energy Ordinance has received a 2009 National Association of Counties (NACo) Achievement Awards. This ordinance is unique in that it is one of the first in the nation to provide specific, size-appropriate zoning standards for small, medium, and large wind energy turbines. This model ordinance proactively assists local units of government with the promotion and regulation of wind turbines by providing framework local communities can draw from to set their own appropriate wind energy zoning standards.