Quarterly Updates

OWWG Quarterly Meeting – Friday, April 23, 2010

  • OWWG’s: Meeting Agenda
  • 80 M Wind Maps
  • Jane Harf, UCEAO: Handout – Press release from Sherrod Brown’s website detailing the introduction of his offshore wind development bill (POWERED ACT 2010)
  • Christina Panoska, Manager Ohio Energy Resources Divsion: WINDPOWER 2010 Conference
  • Stuart Siegfried, Publice Utilities Commision of Ohio
  • Dale Arnold, Ohio Farm Bereau: Ohio Legislative Update
  • Robert Kozar, University of Toledo and UCEAO: UCEAO’s “Innovative Model for a New Advanced Energy Workforce”
  • James Huth, Ohio Energy Resources Division:
  • Keith Lott, Ohio DNR:
  • Great Lakes Wind Network Wind Supply Chain GIS Map of North American Component Manufacturers and OEMs: http://maps.glwn.org/wind/
  • USFWS Federal Advisory Committee recommendations: http://www.fws.gov/habitatconservation/windpower/wind_turbine_advisory

OWWG Quarterly Meeting – Tuesday, November 3, 2009

  • OWWG’s: Meeting Agenda
  • Nazre G. Adum, P.E. from Hardin Wind Energy, LLC: Hardin County Wind Farm
  • Tony Logan, Chief Legal Counsel & Wind Policy Coordinator from Ohio Department of Natural Resources: Protecting and Promoting the Public’s Interest in Offshore Wind Development
  • Tom Maves, Wind Industry Lead from Ohio Energy Office: WINDPOWER 2009 Summary
  • Randel Monhemius from United States Department of Agriculture: Funding Programs for Rural Businesses and Agricultural Producers
  • Mike O’Brien, Great Lakes Project Director from Bluewater Wind: Offshore Wind Energy
  • Christina Panoska, Advanced Energy Development Manager from Ohio Energy Office: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
  • OWWG Quarterly Meeting – June 6, 2009
  • OWWG’s: Meeting Agenda
  • State Energy – ARRA Presentation
  • Terrence O’Donnell, Partner at Brinker & Eckler, LLP: SB 221 Administrative Rules: Implementing the RPS Presentation
  • Stuart Siegfried of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO): AEPS Presentation
  • Everpower: Presentation