Teachers & Kids

AWEA’s National Energy Education Project provides teachers with innovative curriculum materials, professional development opportunities, and evaluation tools. NEED materials are inquiry based and incorporate the “Kids Teaching Kids” philosophy. NEED makes teaching and learning about energy exciting while developing students’ leadership and critical thinking skills. NEED materials are available for all grade levels from kindergarten through high school. Click here for more information.

Indian Lake Schools

On May 25th, 2006, a new 10kW Bergey wind generation unit was officially placed in operation at Indian Lake High School in Logan, County Ohio. Designed as a data monitoring and reporting/educational resource, this project joins a select group pioneering the development of renewable energy sources across our country, and around the world. View live data on Fat Spaniel from the Indian Lake wind turbine.

GE Energy: Celebrate the Wind! Curriculum

Wind With Miller

Wind with Miller is loved by kids of all ages. It is a fun way to get an intuitive grasp on wind power knowledge. Read more

Energy Information Administration (EIA): Energy Kid’s Page